Green Lifestyle quiz:
First, I
think that I know many factors about the global warming, because since I was a kid
I watched a lot of TV documentaries that have helped me build a general vision about
this problem. I obtained 80% in the quiz, but only It was difficult for me
answer the ranges of values or percentages of the questions because I’m not
sure about those answers (I just answered by intuition for what I know).
Making this
quiz, I improve my knowlegment about directly factors in relation with the daily
activities that we do and their effects in the planet. Then, maybe the things
that we learned in the school and watching documentaries gives me a global
vision of all the problem but this quiz is focused in the real consequences,
comparing numbers and results with the use of appliances and energy, thing that
shows you the real scale of the human footprint in the planet.
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Finally, I
feel that is very important demonstrate in an easy way to the people the consequences
of our life style. So it is primordial that the government promote the
information about this topic through street advertisings, tv publicity and any
other platforms like social medias, games, art, etc.
I also believe that the state should be the first to instruct environmental care initiatives!!